Hello, blogosphere! Its good to be back!

Anyone who actually ever read my comic when it had a blog (ergo, nobody), knows that it used to be undeniably ugly.
Then I did a bunch of javascript, totally refactored my entire site and… Even uglier!

So, in an attempt to write articles without killing people’s brains, I made this. I hope everyone likes the terrible colors!

Seriously, as this is a first blog post, I must make an important point clear: some of my posts may joke in socially incorrect ways - racism, religion, and politics, to name a few. These are intended to be funny and I will try to stay fair. If you are offended, I’m sorry. You can’t expect the internet to always be a fairyland, and if you want something to be offended by, look anywhere on the internet. Getting your pannies in a wad will just waste my time.

Blogging is undeniably fun, but the routines can be hard - I won’t be posting weekly, and sometimes I might post daily.This, quite obviously, is a footnote. *Italics with Markdown?* don't work, but Italics with HTML do. Dang, gotta remember that.

I hope you like my site!


My friend's blogs: Wizardwatch's overall site, Sawyer's blog (the .org part bemuses me), Luke's site. If ryleu decides to actually put something on his site, I'll link it here.