I am unaware as to how you landed here - whether it be recommendation from a friend, recommendation from me (if I'm your friend, which I might be - I'm an extrovert), or just stumbling here from Github or another blog.
If it is the first - thank your friend (please). I hope you will like this blog, and I hope your friend will recommend more people :)
If it is the second, you don't have to thank me. I'm very forgiving.
If it is the third, you can click the little button that means "go back". That won't offend me, but you could also click one of the posts, which I am sure would be - if not the most exciting thing you have done/will do today - at least enjoyable.
If you have decided to stay here, you have a couple options. First, you could hover over the weird orange bar - its actually a menu - and find a satisfactory blog post.
You could also check out my first post, or if you like most recent things and/or don't care much about order, my
last post
(If I haven't written anything else / deleted a lot of my posts, both of those links will point to the first post. You can make sure this is correct by checking how many posts there are in the little orange sidebar)
This blog is not always politically correct or correct at all. Sorry?
My friend's blogs: Wizardwatch's overall site, Sawyer's blog (the .org part bemuses me), Luke's site. If ryleu decides to actually put something on his site, I'll link it here.