
November 5, 2020

image/svg+xml Hey Katherine,what's a Trekkie? vaj yapvay' jotHa'wI' HISlaH.qaStaH nuq? nuvpu' Sovbe'moHboghqo'vetlh ngeDqu'moHlu'meH DuHbe' What are you saying? Translation is usually quiteblocky, and doesn't work well.Let it suffice to say thatbIjatlhqangbej. Seriously, guys.What's a trekkie? Nevermind. You wouldn'tget it. That, Imust say, is highlyillogical.

Translating any or all of that speech will get the wrong result. I tested - the translators are not reversible. Think of Klingon like an MD5 hash, in that you could get a trillion possibilities for a file from the hash, but never get the real file.


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