The Metropolis Post - Edition 3

November 17, 2019

image/svg+xml The Metropolis Post Breaking: New weapon testing in the PacificRecent American government disclosure to the press hasshown a new kind of weapon called the "Really Big Bomb".In a to counter this bomb,China has released an "Even Bigger Really Big Bomb" andto counter that, Russia has released a "Super Duper ReallyReally Really Gigantic Humongous Big Bomb."Meanwhile, word of a powerful new type of gun is comingout to the public... Continued on page 1. . Limited time offer.1500% sales tax applies. Blueberries join cranberrylawsuitThe ongoing cranberry lawsuithas recently escalated, as theblueberries have joined on thecranberry side. This is quite aproblem for the entire humanrace, as blueberries are oneof the best foods for yourbrain. Continued on page 7. Everybody DECARBONATEDoes anyone remember global warming? Carbon dioxide?Because it is real. Carbon trapping is on the rise, but it won't befast enough. The only way to save the world is to, dun-dun-dun,reduce carbon emissions. Biking and walking are good for youanyways. Copyright (c) 2019 TTech inc. Your probably a nerd. Most likely your a nerd. Yup, your a nerd. NERD!

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