Four Eyes

August 3, 2022

image/svg+xml Four-eyes!Four-eyes! Ah, yes, younoticed I havefour eyes. They give mequite an advantage.Nobody can sneakup on me. And, with thestrain of processing2 extra vision inputs, My brain hasbegun to disregard otherforms of input. I cannot feelyour blows uponmy body. But you canfeel mine. And, oh,you will. You will. Isaac's old elementary school,sometime in the late 20th century Isaac, are youOK? After Sean followedyou, I thought youwere a goner! AAAAAAUGH!! Exchushe me,Mish Wordwhirrow!Shizsh kid ishunconshus! *passingout from fearnoise* Oh, we justtalked it outreasonably. My, are thesefake eyes goodor what!

Just some little flashbacks to Isaac's childhood while I try to think of a punchline for the anticipated comic.


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