Florida Trip part 6

August 21, 2019

image/svg+xml Katherine wantsto what? I know, right? Who ruinsa good vacation by visiting theFort Clinch state park? Isn't that place like a hundredmiles from ponce inlet? It would be atwo-hour drive! Katherine said we'd stayat a hotel. Also we'd have to carpool,because they charge per car. How would we all fitin a car together? I don't know, considering youhave a Peel P50 and everyoneelse has smart cars Knowing Katherine, she'dwant us to go in Sally's mini-smart car. That thing is so small it canfit in the bike lane. I'm calling Nigel and Geoffrey.Can you get Bill and Tara? Weneed to stop this madness.

Was it tacky to bring back the old Florida Trip series?


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