
October 25, 2020

image/svg+xml Hello everybody andwelcome to the 32ndweekly meeting ofCool Computer Stuff. In today's meeting, we will bediscussing web browsers. Everybody taketurns stating their web browser of choice, and Iwill read about that browser fromthe snippets I prepared. I useMozillaFirefox! Firefox is one of the bestbrowsers out there. The latestversion has full support for everythingin RFC, and it has great developer toolswhich allow you to test websites easily. I preferGoogleChrome. Chrome is arguably betterthan Firefox, although I preferthe open-source alternative every time. Otherwise it has all the samefeatures, with a different GUI. And I useInternetExplorer! Justleave.Now.

Another one of these. Positively exuberating, Eh?


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