Babysitting part 2

July 1, 2019

image/svg+xml Hey! This isn'tone of the babiesagain, right? OH MY GOD HELP THEY'RE...ISAAC YOU'VE GOT TO CALL EAEAEAEEAEAE HELP ME THE-- NOKNIFE NO KNIFE NO HURTS HELPAEEAAEAEAE HELP AHHH Katherine?Are you alright? DO I SOUND ALRIGHTOH MY GOD NO HELP EAEATHE BABIES ISAAC HELP EAEACOME ON THIS IS NOT A JOKESTOP STOP OUCH NO POKESTOP PLAYING WITH THATTHATS NOT A - EAEAEAE Seymour (left), Katherine (middle), Isaac (right)Characters displayed with computers and other belongings.Non-main characters displayed after main characters. (Archie) (Cassie) (Salandra van Ido-Carantha) Nigel Tara Sally Bill Geoffrey Samuel and SamanthaKatherines twin cousins Diaper (for infant characters) Click Katherine?Katherine?

Sorry this ones late, I have been very busy recently.


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